Terrace Restaurant Dar Es Salaam
There is a new addition to Dar's becoming sizzling fine dinning cycle! Ladies and Gents we bring you The Terrace Hotel at Slipway in Masaki Dar Es alaam! That will leave you speechless for magnificent view and 'finger licking' dishes!
Reel cinema: Blended
If you a movie fan! chances are you are a fan of Nirvana's Reel cinema segment! And this week our presenter chat on the latest Adam Sandler flick 'Blended'
Fashion News: Rihanna Half naked at CFDA Awards 2014
While the rest of the World is in all praises of Rihanna's big win at CFDA as fashion icon of the year, this week on Nirvana we are gushing on her outfit! which oh wait tell us it doesn't remind you of Cher's 1988 Oscar ensemble? ;)